I am currently on the hunt for a perfume which is tricky because most scents give me a horrible headache which means I’m searching for a perfume while maintaining a 20 foot distance from the perfume counters which basically means my hunt so far has been....unsuccessful. But I am so enchanted by the idea of having a personal scent and after I finish this run on sentence I will be googling “discovery set” which sounds brilliant. And also the body crème you mentioned! 🤞🏼

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I’m screaming!!! When this landed in my inbox I had to do a double take. Unannounced and very Beyoncé like. I wasn’t ready, but I’m glad you’re here. Best believe I paused my reading to turn on Harry styles before continuing lol

That was so enjoyable that I wished it was longer! ❤️🔥✨

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I guffawed.

You are an inspiration!!! 🤎

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